OBD-II CAN Bus Basic Development Kit from martinchong on Tindie

OBD-II CAN Bus Basic Development Kit from martinchong on Tindie

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€ 11.50
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The OBD Ⅱ Slaver allows you to hack your vehicle with the integrated OBD port and output all the data via serial interface.

WiCAN - ESP32 OBD2 WiFi/BLE to CAN Bus adapter from MeatPi Electronics on Tindie

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The OBD Ⅱ Slaver allows you to hack your vehicle with the integrated OBD port and output all the data via serial interface.

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OBD II CAN Bus Cable for J2534 and OBD II connections to cars that have CAN BUS on the OBD II , which in most places is after 2008.

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OBD-II CAN-BUS Development Kit Botland - Robotic Shop

Car Hacking and Reverse Engineering Tool : r/flipperzero

CAN BUS SNIFFING - The hardware & software you need - Forums

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OBD-II CAN-BUS Development Kit – ELEDIY

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