Add Shelly 2.5 as Roller shutter to my Hassio, by y.lastapis

Add Shelly 2.5 as Roller shutter to my Hassio, by y.lastapis

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install the Shelly app, and follow the instructions to detect your shelly product. There is another procedure using the reset button & connecting directly to the Shelly 2.5 to set manually the Wifi…
install the Shelly app, and follow the instructions to detect your shelly product. There is another procedure using the reset button & connecting directly to the Shelly 2.5 to set manually the Wifi…

Shelly 2 as roller shutter with percentage - Configuration - Home Assistant Community

Getting Shelly to work with Loxone

Shelly 2.5 as roller shutter? · Issue #5 · mongoose-os-apps/shelly-homekit · GitHub

How to automate a roller shutter using a Shelly 2 5

Controlling the shutters with Shelly 2.5 y Home Assistant

Shelly cover always showing open - Configuration - Home Assistant Community

Buy Shelly 2.5 - Double Relay Switch and Roller Botland - Robotic Shop

Controlling the shutters with Shelly 2.5 y Home Assistant

Buy Shelly 2.5 - Double Relay Switch and Roller Botland - Robotic Shop